
Google Ads Masterclass for E-commerce

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Google Ads Masterclass for E-commerce

7 ratings

The tactics you're about to learn have been used by our digital marketing agency to take brand new e-commerce stores from £0 to £100k in less than 3 months...

If you're an aspiring e-commerce entrepreneur, and you're not advertising on Google, I cannot overstate the importance of what you are about to read.

Every wondered what advertising on Google is like? I'll give you a clue:

No worrying about finding the best set of interests on Facebook to target for your ads.

No wasting time messaging so-called "Influencers" to try and promote your products on their sh**ty Instagram page.

No dealing with the huge performance fluctuations and random account bans from Facebook Ads.

No stressing about the iOS14 updates that have ruined your conversion tracking.

Why bother with all that when you could be showing your ads to people who are literally SEARCHING ON GOOGLE for the EXACT PRODUCT you are selling.

This course will teach you:

✔️ How to build and structure a Google Ads Account that can turn your new brand into a 7-figure company.

✔️ How to create ads that generate profits from day one.

✔️ How to monitor, improve, and refine your account to the point where it becomes a MONEY PRINTING MACHINE

What if I told you that it's possible to go from a total advertising novice, to an e-commerce entrepreneur who's generated more than 6-figures in revenue in less than a year's time...

You'd probably think that's impossible, right? 


How do I know?

Because that's exactly what I did.

Just 18 months ago, I was working at a local supermarket stacking shelves.

But I quit that job pretty quickly...

Once I discovered the formula to make more than £100,000 with a dropshipping store, in less than 3-months time.

Wanna know how I did it?

Well, that's where this Google Ads Masterclass comes in!

I've spent the last two years of my life MASTERING everything that's worth knowing about Google Advertising.

All of the winning strategies, tips, tricks, and methods that I've learnt are now in this masterclass.

Not to mention all of the things I've learnt NOT to do...

Trust me, you don't wanna do what I did at the end of last year and nearly lose everything I'd made testing a new strategy that didn't end up working out...


It goes without saying that I failed A LOT over the last two years.

But that's the point...

I failed so that YOU don't have to. 

You can learn from my £100,000 mistake (along with countless other trip-ups), for the price of just £249...

Of course, you do what most novices do and go into Google Ads blind, thinking that you'll "figure it out" as you go along...

But unless you actively enjoy wasting money...

Why not just get access to the winning formula for just £249?!

What to expect inside this Google Ads Masterclass...

✔️ Complete walkthrough, taking you from a digital marketing novice, to a PPC master

✔️ The settings you need to practically GUARANTEE you make a PROFIT FROM DAY 1

✔️ In-depth video demonstrations showing the exact step-by-step process me and my team follow when building our advertising campaigns

✔️ The 3 key drivers of Google Ads success (These are the main things I work on day in, day out.)

✔️ Why using "Mad Men Era" copywriting for Google Ads DOESN'T WORK - and the style you need to use instead that will have customers converting like crazy

✔️ An easy-to-follow flow chart that pinpoints any problems in your ads and shows you how to fix it



Imagine glancing at your Google Ads dashboard and ALWAYS knowing what to do next (and how to do it!) to achieve maximum results…

No longer are you confused, no longer are things hazy…

We outline the clear-cut steps to running consistently profitable Google ads.

All you have to do is apply it to your own e-commerce store - it couldn't be more simple!

More nuggets you'll find inside...

✔️ The 7 Golden Processes you HAVE to take if you want your product to make a profit

✔️ Why you need to IGNORE 99% of Google's "advertising expert's" suggestions, and what you SHOULD be doing instead

✔️ Done-for-you method showing how you can squeeze out more revenue from an already profitable account

✔️ A detailed explanation of the "winning" Google Ads account structure that your competitors don't know about...

✔️ Plain-Simple-English definitions of all the confusing jargon/acronyms used by Google

✔️ The #1 thing most Google Ads newbies do wrong - and how you can avoid it

✔️ Hidden-in-plain-sight tips we learnt from analysing campaigns from global powerhouses like Nike and Coca-Cola

✔️ The SNEAKY way that Google tries to take more of your hard-earned money - DO NOT LEAVE THIS SETTING ON!



I can guess what you're thinking...

This Three-Part Masterclass ain’t cheap.

But neither is flushing THOUSANDS down the toilet using ad strategies that don’t work (like most novices do)!

Think about it…

Even if paying £249 to get access to our proven system means that you avoid wasting £500 on ads that didn't work…

This course would’ve paid for itself two times over!

And that's just the bare minimum you can expect...

I personally think it can bring in huge profits for you and your business.

Which is exactly why I include a 100% money-back guarantee on this course.

If you go through the course, apply everything inside, and find that your ads are still not profitable, then I will happily refund you 100% of the price.

No questions asked.

That's how much I believe in the methods inside this Masterclass.

Don't just listen to me...

Check out what others have said about the Relay Marketing Google Ads Masterclass:



This Masterclass is split into Three Books, and each book contains several different chapters.

Each book and each chapter builds on the last to take you from complete novice to knowing everything you need to create wildly profitable advertising campaigns.


Learn the basics of a Google Search Ad and where they show up. Video walkthroughs show you how to create your first ad account. Take a tour of the dashboard and get to grips with the key features


The structure of an ad account explained. We describe how to decide on your starting budget and show you how to select the best bidding strategy to fit your needs.


Full breakdown of the most important metric in any ad account - quality score. Learn the simple ways you can increase your ad rank to guarantee your ads show up ABOVE YOUR COMPETITION on the search results page.


Learn how you can use negative keywords to ensure that the only people clicking your ads are red-hot buyers, searching desperately to buy your exact product - these are the easiest sales you'll ever make!


Step-by-step guide on how to structure your ads to destroy your competitors. Do this right and they won't know what's hit them.


Throw everything you thought you knew about "traditional" copywriting techniques out of the window. Then read this chapter carefully.


Simply follow this series of video modules that walk you through the exact process we take when creating 6-figure ad campaigns, then copy it for yourself!


By the end of this chapter, you'll never again wonder why your campaign is unprofitable, or how you can improve it. We give you the full toolkit to be able to analyse and improve.


How you can create powerful custom audiences to make sure you're squeezing every last gram of profit.


Because what's the point in having all of this incredible knowledge if you can't make sense of Google's crazy jargon!


All things considered, this is easily the MOST COMPREHENSIVE Google Ads Guide available on the market today.

You'll be learning the exact same methods that I use to make big money FAST with brand-new dropshipping and e-commerce stores.

And the best part?

Because we've used the same strategy with our Digital Marketing Agency, for a range of e-commerce clients across tons of different niches...

The methods have been tried, tested, and proven to work in basically every type of niche!

That means no more sleepless nights, worrying how you're going to grow your business and get more customers.

That means the ability to run a successful business from anywhere in the world with just your laptop and an internet connection.

And that means the potential to quit the job you hate and achieve financial freedom.

Now, I'm not saying it's easy.

(Nothing this good comes easy, after all).

But if you're willing to put in the time and effort into learning these strategies, and work "smart" at implementing them...

Think what your life could be like in less than 18 months from now.

Imagine that, for just £249?

I'll let you run the numbers...

But it sounds like a pretty good ROI to me. 


- Richie Lay

- Director, Relay Marketing

- www.relaymarketing.carrd.co



What format is the course in? 

The course contains both video modules & text modules. I used video where it was useful to demonstrate certain specific features and to do walk-throughs, but a lot of the content is better suited to being written down. Written content also gives you the option to re-read it over and over again without boring yourself to death. For every section, I chose the format that I thought would be most effective for teaching the information inside.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You’ll also get any future updates we make to the course for 100% free. If you wait to buy until after any updates, we'll raise the price each time - so better to get in now!

What is your refund policy?

If you go through the course, apply everything inside, and find that your ads are still not profitable, then I will happily refund you 100% of the price.

No questions asked.

Why would I spend £249 on your course when I can get the information for free on YouTube
Ah yes, the old "I'll just learn it all from YouTube" mentality. If you really think all these e-com 'Gurus' are giving out their actual, genuine, best tips, for free, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself buddy. In this world, you gotta spend money to make money. I say no more.
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Combination of video and text modules. Get all three books for just £249, or an individual book for £140.

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